Do you ever make the conscious decision to sit straighter but after a short time you catch yourself slouching again? Or perhaps you're standing tall and realise later that your posture has gone bad? No need to be ashamed about it. We all have plenty of things going on in our hectic and busy schedules and so our posture doesn't always make it to the top of our … [Read more...]
The Body Language Book Every Tall Person Must Read
I talk about body language a lot and cannot stress enough how important it is to understand. Whether you want to boost your confidence, appear less intimidating, be someone to emulate, or appear more sincere you cannot avoid body language! That's just the tip of the iceberg. Everyday we try to decode other peoples body language (either consciously or subconsciously) and they … [Read more...]
Be Somebody To Emulate: Why Posture Matters
...“Every time I see you I feel the urge to stand a little taller with better posture.” This is the second time in the past 2 weeks that someone at work said this to me. Not only did it make me feel great but it reinforced for me that how I’m presenting myself to the world is working. I call this the tall posture effect. I see this "effect" in action quite often, most … [Read more...]
5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Confidence
The simple fact of life is that you are tall and no matter where you go or what you do you will stand out. You were born with the gift of height – no matter how much you might wish otherwise it’s not going to change. Some of us love standing out wherever we go and fully embrace it whereas others might feel a bit self-conscious and consequently lacking in confidence. To make … [Read more...]
Tall Tips To Prevent Lower Back Pain
I'm going to put it out there that the taller the person the more likely they are to suffer lower back pain! Why? Because tall people tend to slouch when they walk or sit. Unfortunately the world is not built with tall people in mind. For most tall people work desks are too low, doorways are too low and kitchen bench tops are too low. This unfortunately forces us to round … [Read more...]
Appear Less Intimidating With One Simple Trick
Recently I came to the realisation that sometimes, unintentionally, my height is intimidating to some people. I’m the type of person that is proud of my height and not for a second do I feel bad about it. I strive to stand with good posture as much as I can and try to display open and dominant body language wherever I go. Sometimes my resting facial expression can be somewhat … [Read more...]
Improve Your Posture and Stand Tall
Before you read any further I want you to quickly assess your current posture: Are you sitting at your desk, hunched over the keyboard? Are you reading this article on your phone and slouching (either whilst sitting or standing)? Are you sitting back in your chair diagonally, about half way down the seat with your shoulder blades close to the top of the back … [Read more...]