A while back I reviewed an incredibly comfortable pair of jeans from 2Tall. Whilst those jeans to this day are my favourite pair, my problem was that they were only available with an inside leg of 38-inches! This meant I had to spend some extra money to get them hemmed and I couldn't wear them straight away. Was it a deal breaker? Absolutely not but it would have … [Read more...]
Goodbye Levi’s 508: The Death of the Perfect Jeans for Tall People with Big Legs
A while back I reviewed one of the most comfortable jeans I’ve ever worn: Levi’s 508. Those jeans fit me so well that I ended up buying two pairs in different shades of blue. Aside from length, my biggest issue with finding jeans has always been the fit around my quads (thank you squats and genetics). Most pants that fit me well in the waist end up being too narrow in the … [Read more...]
Levis 508: Finally, Jeans That Fit My Big Legs
I always dread shopping for pants. Shirts I can generally get away with as there are some simple hacks I can make to address the short sleeve problem (read more about it here) and I’ve found a good online brand that makes shirts suited to my tall frame (read more about it here) but buying pants usually leaves me frustrated. My issue with pants is length and width, especially … [Read more...]