Stop what you’re doing – the DoYouEven Boxing Sale is now on.
You can save up to 60% off items store wide!
This sale is on for a limited time only.
From 12AM AEDT 26th December 2018 to 12AM AEDT 28th December 2018.
It’s that crazy time of the year again in Australia…
Post Christmas Boxing Day Sales.
For a few days a majority of stores all around Australia launch an end of year sales blitz.
Lots of great stock is heavily discounted.
DoYouEven is no exception.

I previously gave an overview about this brand here talking about why I like it so much and what you can expect from it.
Long story short: if you want active wear that looks great, fits great and feels great then you should consider DoYouEven.
If you’ve been waiting for a good time to try it out then what better way than during boxing day when it’s on sale.
Shop DOYOUEVEN Boxing Day Sale Now

Stand tall, be proud of your height and strive for greatness.