Being tall is the ultimate ice breaker.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot and the more I think about it the more it makes sense.
Before you stop reading and think I’m crazy hear me out.
I know that being asked ‘how’s the weather up there?’ all the time is frustrating.
I get it a lot too.
However, what if it’s not as bad as it seems?
Have you ever thought that all those comments you hear about your height is a way for people trying to make conversation with you?
It’s no secret that being tall makes you intimidating to some people.
What if the only way people feel comfortable breaking the ice with a tall “giant” is to comment about the pink elephant in the room… your height.
I’m not claiming that every single time you hear someone make a comment about your height they are being friendly. Some people are jerks and will make comments about your height because of their own insecurities. I’ve written about people like that in a previous post. However, I do believe that some people genuinely want to start a conversation and the only way they know how is to say something about my height.
It’s not ideal, I know, but at least they try.
This has happened to me a few times at work in the kitchen.
It almost always plays out as follows: I’m doing my own thing, someone enters the kitchen and sees me, they make a trivial comment about my height, I answer(usually making a joke out of it) and then a normal conversation ensues. I’ve had a person once tell me afterwards that I’m much friendlier and approachable than they expected!
Height as an ice breaker can also work the other way.
If you are genuinely stuck for something to say to someone use your height as the conversation starter.
It doesn’t have to be awkward and you don’t need to make yourself look bad or point out your height insecurity.
Depending where you are you could very casually make a comment about how low / small / cramped something is and how the world is not built for giants. Alternatively you could if you are waiting in line for some food you can say that you hope the serving portions are big enough to fill your legs. Be creative and have fun with it.
Stand tall, be proud of your height and strive for greatness.
- Image credit for ice cubes (cover image): here
Great post.
Nice post!